Personal Branding

Leigh offers Personal Branding photoshoots carefully styled and crafted to highlight the people behind the brand, as well as the actual product or service they offer. Personal branding sessions are a key investment in your business, strategically planned so you get a brilliant range of images to use across all your communication channels. Photoshoots include headshots but action and product shots delve deeper to show your client what working with you feels like. Investment starts at £195, see packages here or contact Leigh to learn more.


Eleanor, Marketing Consultant

Headshots, product images, “at work” shots and more gave Eleanor plenty of material to finally set up a website that does justice to her personal brand.

Roger, Business Consultant

Multiple locations, including client meetings, gave Roger a varied selection of images that demonstrate his unique approach to business. He has put these to use in presentations and across social media.

E. Bigden, Therapist

Two personal branding sessions gave Eleanor a wide range of pictures for her website and 3rd party websites. Vibrant “at work” shots were complemented by outdoor portraits in warm autumnal colours.

Esther, Spa Owner

Photoshoots at Esther’s home office and her High Street salons, gave plenty of opportunities to show different sides to her personality. Esther has used the pictures for a number of speaker and press opportunities.